i-Recently-Pod. Did you?
I finally considered buying the thing that everybody has got these days - an iPod. I never really was "into" buying a portable music player like an iPod, I've always preferred a portable FM player. Not only an FM player plays the music for free, it keeps you updated on what's going on around you. Moreover, I wasn't ready to spend $300-400 on just a music player - even though it is a piece of beauty from Apple.
However, my thinking changed a little bit when Apple released the shuffle, and the Nano. I kept wondering what's coming next? Even the Saturday Night Live pulled off a neat spoof on Steve Jobs in a comedy skit where Apple releases iPod microscopic, and eventually, an iPod Invisible! Very funny!
Anway, I was compelled to buy an iPod because these models are smaller, cheaper, and have got a decent memory (1-2+ Gigs). Another major reason I chose to buy an iPod is the wide availability of the numerous Podcasts and a big set of 80s music gifted by one of my colleagues. I also figured that it will be a great companion while walking across campus or while riding the Metro.
I finally decided to buy the iPod after spending hours on the Internet and the Apple Store at the Pentagon. I was back to my dilemma - should I buy a Shuffle or a Nano. Nano has a screen, you can have multiple playlists (sets of songs), and its incredibly small. With the screen, you can actually see what's playing and control your playlists the way you want. Shuffle lacks a screen, and you can have one playlist at any time. Nano scratches easily, Shuffle is strong.
Ultimately, I decided on buying a shuffle. Here's what I considered going for a shuffle
- I have a relatively small collection of music
- I don't care to see what's playing as long as it is playing. Plus I can always skip ahead if I do not want to listen to a particular song/podcast.
- The Shuffle is real cool and small. It is very similar in shape to my pocket FM player in Bombay and I felt real comfortable holding it.
For size comparison, Apple shows how small the Shuffle is - it is just like a pack of gum. (You can see that picture on Apple's site.) Here's my own version of comparison between two things that stay in my pocket most of the time: my (insanely bulky) cellphone and the shuffle.

Oh, I absolutely love this little one. It plays music great and it introduced me to a whole new world of PodCasts. It is amazing to see how many different Podcasts you can download for free - News, Comedy, Science, Tech, you name it! And like I said, it is great while riding the Metro or walking across the campus...Its an amazing piece of art - just like anything else from Apple.
Now, I am waiting for the Intel-based iBook...psssst, "they" say the new iBooks are on the way in January. I will keep my fingers crossed!
Until the next Blog,
Au Revoir!
However, my thinking changed a little bit when Apple released the shuffle, and the Nano. I kept wondering what's coming next? Even the Saturday Night Live pulled off a neat spoof on Steve Jobs in a comedy skit where Apple releases iPod microscopic, and eventually, an iPod Invisible! Very funny!
Anway, I was compelled to buy an iPod because these models are smaller, cheaper, and have got a decent memory (1-2+ Gigs). Another major reason I chose to buy an iPod is the wide availability of the numerous Podcasts and a big set of 80s music gifted by one of my colleagues. I also figured that it will be a great companion while walking across campus or while riding the Metro.
I finally decided to buy the iPod after spending hours on the Internet and the Apple Store at the Pentagon. I was back to my dilemma - should I buy a Shuffle or a Nano. Nano has a screen, you can have multiple playlists (sets of songs), and its incredibly small. With the screen, you can actually see what's playing and control your playlists the way you want. Shuffle lacks a screen, and you can have one playlist at any time. Nano scratches easily, Shuffle is strong.
Ultimately, I decided on buying a shuffle. Here's what I considered going for a shuffle
- I have a relatively small collection of music
- I don't care to see what's playing as long as it is playing. Plus I can always skip ahead if I do not want to listen to a particular song/podcast.
- The Shuffle is real cool and small. It is very similar in shape to my pocket FM player in Bombay and I felt real comfortable holding it.
For size comparison, Apple shows how small the Shuffle is - it is just like a pack of gum. (You can see that picture on Apple's site.) Here's my own version of comparison between two things that stay in my pocket most of the time: my (insanely bulky) cellphone and the shuffle.

Oh, I absolutely love this little one. It plays music great and it introduced me to a whole new world of PodCasts. It is amazing to see how many different Podcasts you can download for free - News, Comedy, Science, Tech, you name it! And like I said, it is great while riding the Metro or walking across the campus...Its an amazing piece of art - just like anything else from Apple.
Now, I am waiting for the Intel-based iBook...psssst, "they" say the new iBooks are on the way in January. I will keep my fingers crossed!
Until the next Blog,
Au Revoir!
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