Gas Prices...
The ever-rising gas (gasoline) prices left us with nothing much to smile. They had hit well above the dreaded $3-mark here in the DC area. Each time I pull the car off the parking lot, I feel the pinch real hard. I'm sure you do too.
I thought we can use some humor now. Here's a cartoon that I had carefully cut and scanned LAST YEAR around the same time of the year. Can't remember which newspaper it was. (All due apologies to the newpaper for not acknowledging them). Check it out...

If you didn't know this yet, check out for cheap gas around your area. On that note, a request to people out in Iowa, especially the ones around Cedar Falls. GasBuddy ( wants volunteers from that area to report gas prices. If you can do this, you will be helping quite a lot of people. So, the next time you walk down the College Hill to the KwikStar, note down the prices at both the gas stations and report it to GasBuddy. (End of Public Service Message).
I thought we can use some humor now. Here's a cartoon that I had carefully cut and scanned LAST YEAR around the same time of the year. Can't remember which newspaper it was. (All due apologies to the newpaper for not acknowledging them). Check it out...

If you didn't know this yet, check out for cheap gas around your area. On that note, a request to people out in Iowa, especially the ones around Cedar Falls. GasBuddy ( wants volunteers from that area to report gas prices. If you can do this, you will be helping quite a lot of people. So, the next time you walk down the College Hill to the KwikStar, note down the prices at both the gas stations and report it to GasBuddy. (End of Public Service Message).
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