A game of Hockey and then some...
So, we gathered a couple of hours before the game. One of guys suggested a nice Spanish restaurant (PS: Spanish, NOT Mexican). He frequents the place and loves the appetizers that go along beer. And so we all headed to "La Tasca" in Chinatown - just in front of the Verizon Center, and ordered some appetizers.
I had two options - (1) be a jerk and start yelling at the waitresses at random, or (2) talk to the manager/waitress and see what can be done. I chose to be polite. I showed the waitress the piece of glass and asked her what's going on. I'm sure a lot of people ordered similar appetizers with the SAME dip - it is, after all, a happy hour. The manager marched right in, and was very, very apologetic. He even assured me that they threw out the ENTIRE dip and are making something fresh. Finally, he said he'll take care of our check and that we do not have to pay anything for our food and drinks. Sweet!
Well, if the eventful evening ended there, I probably would not have written this blog entry. There's even more. I've ordered some stuff, and me being vegetarian, I had a couple of green-stuff ordered. The food arrived and it turned out they messed up my order. My food has crabs in it, and I could smell it. The manager and the waitress were even more apologetic and I was given new food, of course!
When we were just about to leave, a waiter carrying a plate full of glasses with drinks/soda bumped into us and broke all the glasses! More apologies followed, with us almost becoming very popular in the restaurant!! Yikes!
Whoa! what a wacky evening! All that mattered in the end was ... we got free food/drinks, and Caps won!
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