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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Moving to Iowa!!!

Hello Y'all! I have some news for all of you. Some of you know this already, but here it is for all of you:

I am moving to Iowa!

Yes, really! I'm moving out to the mid-west to start a new job there! I have accepted an exciting opportunity in Iowa at my alma mater and I will be moving there in a couple of days. I look forward to my new job and the other exciting research opportunities that might come way.

It is kind of sad leaving the wonderful DC metro area, my friends here, and all kinds of social activities I'm involved in. I will also definitely miss the DC weather, especially in Winter!

Now, I must also tell you that I will continue working at the University of Maryland, part-time! I will be working from Iowa and will be visiting DC once in a while. I'm really glad that I will still have the opportunity to meet my friends over here.

If you feel like visiting large corn fields or if you ever want to meet the most friendliest people in the world, come visit me in Iowa! It will be a lot of fun :-)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Monday, November 10, 2008  

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