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Monday, February 21, 2011

A concerted effort...

A Concerted Effort - that's what's needed to keep this blog running. With the advent of Facebook, there's no need to write a detailed essay on my thoughts. The "status" boxes of the Facebooks, the Orkuts, the Twitters have essentially became a think-out-loud, write-out-short kind of communication mediums (media, for the non-American speakers). And suddenly, writing a blog seems so -- what to say -- "yesterday's in thing", so "mid 2000s", so "back in the day".

While lethargy and laziness could be blamed to a certain extent in my case for not writing blog entries, the very motive and the usefulness of personal blogs is questionable, debatable, and useful. While the social media lets me instantly share my "thoughts" to my friends and "friends" around the world, blogs -- especially personal blogs -- seem to me like their predecessory ancestors. But as a person working more or less in the academia, I still believe there is some sexiness in writing up a paragraph or two (or even an essay) about what you consider most important. Having said that, I'm genuinely scared for the next generation of kids, who seem to write anything and everything as if they are writing a text message (u c wat i meen?). But hey, who knows, may be the text-message version of English will become the standard lingua anglica by time we get old. We can then tell our grand kids how people used to write up blogs with words, sentences, paragraphs -- all to be read by people on their "fast" internet connections.

That should make a good story.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Кто что собирается дарить на 8-е марта девушке?

Monday, February 28, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

цветы, конечно!

Friday, March 04, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, really.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011  

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