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Saturday, June 30, 2007

The iPhone Saga. Episode #2.

The iPhone saga continues!

Apple released the iPhone this evening at 6 PM. I visited a local Apple Store (at the Pentagon City mall). Just for your clarification ...I did NOT stand in any line like the other uber geeks that camped out Apple stores all across the US. I just visited the store just to see the enthusiastic crowd, especially since I have never seen or heard about such enthusiasm for a product launch! I figured this is once-in-a-lifetime kind of event and I should be there for sure to take photos and watch the historic launch of the iPhone.

So, there I was at the Apple Store. The line was long and winding. All the Apple enthusiasts, I was told by a security guard, started lining up since the mall opened Friday morning. I reached the Apple Store around 5:30, and walked around to see the crowd. The windows of Apple store was completely covered with black curtains. Enthusiasm was building and as the clock moved closer to 6 PM, you can clearly see the impatience of crowds.

Apple employees dressed in their signature black t-shirts came out and started rallying the crowd by clapping and shouting. All by-standers, except for those waiting in line, were asked by the security to "move along". I found a bench on the other end of the mall, across the Apple store. There I was - watching a product launch as if it were a Broadway premiere or a Bolshoi Ballet Encore! Â Apple sure is a great company with some really slick products that barely need any marketing! Anyway, I sat there and enjoyed the "show"! Later, I waited around, did some shopping, and at about 7:30 PM, the line thinned down to 5 people. I joined the people walking in, and guess what... I got my hands on the iPhone.

My impressions? The iPhone is SIMPLY FREAKIN' AMAZING! The design, the interface, and the response to your multi-touch finger gestures is just awesome! I just had to hold my tempation and walk out of the store WITHOUT buying the phone! But after testing this baby for about 30 minutes, I'm sold! I will most probably get the iPhone. I will wait just to see what Verizon comes up with.

Check out these photos.

The secret chambers of the Apple Store ...

In Anticipation of the "World Premiere"...

The line at the Apple Store ...
(Follow the railing from the apple logo on right to the left of the photo)

Another look at the line...

Meanwhile at the Verizon Store... (Hahaha!)


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

To buy or not to buy....

...the iPhone!

[Update: I just called Verizon and they told me I can go month-to-month after my contract expires. I will wait for a month or so to see if Verizon comes up with any "better" phone, if not I will see how the iPhone and it's crappy network are performing by that time. So, anyway, the point is...I have time on my hands! muhahahaha! ]

Yup, if you are a living, breathing being (presumably living in the 'States), there's no way you would have missed all the hype about Apple's new gizmo-gadget...the one-in-all, all-in-one phone called the iPhone. TV ads, Internet articles, flash Website ads (I can't believe they still have those "you won an iPhone. Click here" flashing ads!) bombard you with info about how great iPhone is, how cool it will be, blah, blah, blah.

It is great that Apple is coming out with a phone like this. I was actually looking for a phone - or should I call it a "device" - that's EXACTLY like this. My current phone is pathetically lacking in features - I can't connect to the Net, no instant messaging, no GPS, no camera...absolutely nothing that's considered even decent in many of present day's mobile phone. I was looking for something that's just more than a phone - a device that connects to the Internet, let's me takes pictures, of course in addition to making phone calls. So, what's the big deal? I can go get this phone, right? Well, not really!

There are issues in going out and getting an iPhone. First concern - the network. I am 100% satisfied with my current service provider, Verizon. iPhone will only run on AT&T, and quite frankly their network sucks! Second, the iPhone is a bit pricey! $500 bucks for a 4GB thingey? That's kind of steep for a phone. Third, it runs on EDGE for wireless Internet - that means no 3G!! I am OK with the price and EDGE, but not AT&T!!

Anyway, iPhone is coming out on the 29th of June. Quite coincidentally, my 2 year contract with Verizon ends in the first week of July! That gives me about a week to read out every single review -- there are already some reviews out there! Check these from New York Times, WSJ, USA Today, and I'm sure by the time you read this, the Internet is full of iPhone reviews! --
and make my decision!

If I get the iPhone, I will post my own video review, photos, and all the junk that you are already reading on the Net. So, stay tuned, if you care!


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hello from Iowa...

Update: Here are some of the photos...

The past week, I visited Iowa - for a friend's wedding, and then of course to visit some old friends. Man, what a time I had there! I must have said to myself - "I miss this place" at least a 100 times. My friend's wedding was in a tiny Iowa town - a perfect place for an "Iowan" wedding. After that, I met friends and had a fun time. Check out the pictures and you will see how much fun it was to be back there. I'm SO glad I made this trip, and of course... I will go back there to visit soon as I can!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Weekend in Pennslyvania

Check out photos here :

I visited a friend's friend at Penn State University campus in State College, PA. Man, that was a great college town!! I was so tempted that I even thought about going to school there for a PhD. I have loads of pictures and the story to tell - but I'm running short on time. I have a trip to Iowa coming up the next weekend. Probably, I will update this post once I'm back from Iowa with more info.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Russo-Travelo-Meter: Now at 40%

The meter took a 20% jump last week! My friends have submitted my papers to be attested by the Russian authorities. And, it seems like the papers will be ready by the end of this month. (fingers crossed!)

And as you can see, I put a checklist of steps down by the meter for your easy understanding : - ) After all, traveling to Russia ain't no easy joke!

Once I receive the papers, the next step is to take them to India (my travel to India is confirmed for July-end) and get the visa stamped in India. I'm totally excited about this trip (if you can't see already).

Again, if there's any updates, I will post them here.

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My new pad...

I finally moved to a new apartment! Phew, what a welcome change this is. After a year and half in my ratty old apartment, I moved to a spanking new 1-bedroom apartment, not far from my work place. I can not describe how comfortable I am in this new place!! Nothing can replace the comfy and cozy feeling of living in a clean (I should emphasize this word, coz with my old roommate, it was often a problem) apartment! Anyway, I spent most part of the last week boxing, moving, cleaning, and unboxing stuff between the two apartments. It seems like things are under control now, and I no long have to hop over unpacked boxes and piles of paper lying around.

Now, did I also mention that I have satellite TV. Big deal? Not really. But I should mention here that I now have NFL (American football) channel, and you know what that means right? 365 days of pure football fun!! Hahaha. I'm also happy to get some of the international channels back - like France 24, France 2, Russia Today, etc.

I will try to post pictures here in the coming days. But if you are in the area, hit me up. You are very welcome to come visit my new pad and check it out. If you are above legal drinking age, you can expect a beer too! Peace!
