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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Tech Terms

The IT Tech jargon is getting increasingly vast and difficult to understand by every passing day. It aint uncommon to hear in TV news that parents of teenagers have no clue about what their kids are talking about on chat rooms and on their SMS. (Interested in reading an article? Read this from MSNBC. If you need a quick start on Web/Internet jargon, check this out from UC-Berkeley)

Anyway, I was reading a certain technical article online when I came across this term - "Hosed Up". I had no clue what that meant. Off I went to TechEncyclopedia to find out. Here's what I found out:

hosed up
Operating incorrectly. Broken. F***ed Up!


(Click to Enlarge)

Thank Lord I found this! (Oh BTW, If you want to really thank the Lord, you can get set and listen to some GodCasts on your iPod, or GodPod?! )

Until the next Blog,
Au Revoir!

Monday, August 29, 2005


If you are the kind of person that likes "quotable quotes" or "quote of the day" stuff, I have got some for you. I gathered these from different sources ranging from Google to my mom! Check them out.

"Quote of the day: Information is temporarily unavailable."
- Google's Personalized Website.

"They keep making TVs smaller and smaller ...... and bigger and bigger. Soon, the medium TV will be a thing of past."
- Dale Gribble, king of the Hill

"There is a lot of crap on that slide. But hey, that's our business."
- A Nebraska DoT Official during his presentation in Mid-Continent Transportation Symposium.

"My Colleagues asked me to download some work related material off the Internet. But you see, I don't think we have the right equipment to download. How can we unload something off the Internet?"
- My mom

(Probably the only saner quote is the one below)

"Let us come together, as one nation, strengthened by our plurality, to work shoulder to shoulder and build a new India. An India where there are no barriers between the government and the people. An India where each and every Indian can stand proudly and proclaim that he is an Indian. Let us work together to build such a nation."
- Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime minister of India

Have you got some that made you laugh, or think? Go right ahead and leave a comment.

Until the next blog,
Au Revoir!

Monday, August 08, 2005

How Rich Are You?

Ever wonder how rich you are? We keep reading about the "Top 10" richest in World all the time. But now, you can find out where you stand. GlobalRichList.com has got your answers. Here is something directly from their website:

"Every year we gaze enviously at the lists of the richest people in world. Wondering what it would be like to have that sort of cash. But where would you sit on one of those lists? Here’s your chance to find out."

Just hit this link and it shows you how rich you are, how many people are poorer than you, and where you stand in the "top x%" in the world.

But hang on ...

When you find out how rich you are, if you think you can donate a bit of your money to the poor, you have the UNICEF. Also, did you know that you can sponsor a cataract surgery in India and open an eye for just $30?? Yes, the Sankara Eye Foundation takes donations to perform free eye operations for the poor in India. If you want more information, check this out : Sankara Eye Foundation. Of course, there are a zillion other options if you really wish to donate. (Try googling. Be sure to check the authenticity before you make a donation).

If you are unable to make a donation now, try to spread the message. Who knows, someone might get vision or good food with just your word-of-mouth. Thank you.

Until the next blog,
Au Revoir!

Friday, August 05, 2005

NFL's Starting!

Finally, Finally, Finally! NFL (pre-season) starts this weekend. No more crappy weekends watching baseball!

Check this out:
NFL.com - NFL News

Go Patriots, Go Cowboys, Go Packers!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Fun Stuff - I

In the past couple of months, I came across some really funny stuff (see picture below). There are quite a few of them. I decided to share them over here, so that you can have some fun too.

A WHAT Overload??

I was trying to access BroadBandReports.com and I got this error:

(Click to enlarge)

For all you software programmers out there, you sure can take some wisdom out of this error message, and style your next generic error message based on this!

Until the next Blog,
Au Revoir!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Trip Time!

After a gap for two months, its time for a couple of trips for me - one to Omaha, NE and the other to Ames, IA. I will be presenting my research.

The first conference is Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2005 There is a lot of interesting presentations in this conference and I am planning to attend most of them. This trip is rather short - I got funded only for a couple of days.

My other trip is to Iowa! I will be attending the Mid-Continent Transportation Symposium in Ames, IA. I am totally excited to go back to Iowa. I will be attending the conference for two days, and the rest - all fun. I will be driving up to Cedar Falls and meet my friends. My weekend seems booked so far, so hope my plans stay in tact! Apart from the fun, I'm also collecting the final copy my thesis from the CS department. Five months of hard work is all bounded up in one book! I'm pretty excited to FINALLY get my thesis. (A copy of it is already in the UNI Library). Another "serious" meeting that I have is with one of my professors. We will discuss a (distant) possibility of me returning to UNI for a super-good research project from one of the best research sponsoring agencies in the country!

I'm all excited to go for these trips for two reasons. One, I get to have change of my daily routine and see new places. Second, I get to see super exciting work by some of the best minds in the World!! As with my other trips, I will get loads of pics from both these places and post them here.

Until the next Blog,
Au Revoir!